Thursday, February 18, 2010

Arguing Christians

I've been reading the letters by readers who profess to be Christians. The subject is whether Peter was the first Pope or even a pope at all. I ask myself, is this really that important to argue about?

If Peter were here to listen to the bickering, he would probably sweep it under the rug and tell you all to go home until you can come back and play nice.

It is bad enough that atheists say that Christians are superstitious fools. But to listen to supposed mature devout followers argue about scripture just fuels the fire for nonbelievers to criticize and prove their point to not believe.

1 Corinthians 10:31 says " whatever you do, do all to the glory of God." Is bickering, fighting, and backbiting glorifying God?

Romans 1:22 "Professing themselves to be wise, they become fools."

There is enough division among Catholics and Protestants, let alone all the denominations. If Christians can't figure out the meaning of God's greatest commandments, Mark 12:30-31 " love God with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength, and to love each other like you should love yourself", then they have a lot to learn about being a Christian.

Finally, in saying this, we should all keep quiet, keep reading and studying our bible, and pray for understanding and wisdom. Just remember, believers and nonbelievers alike read these letters and hear you loud and clear.


  1. I was reading a blog posting on and the host said this "I'm mean, I'm cruel, I'm harsh, but I speak the truth" , something to that extent.

    I laugh a little because it was ignorantly and arrogantly stated and not biblical of how a Christian should act though we make mistakes. If that's your stance you must evaluate yourself.

  2. I agree Kim. Christians are supposed to be humble and not come across as being above anyone. John the Baptist said "I must decrease so he (Jesus) can increase". This is the same way Christians should think and act about each other and everyone else.
    Who wants to follow snooty hypocrites?
