Thursday, October 29, 2009

Six Day Creation

I believe in creation, not evolution. The book of Genesis says 10 times that all things were created of their own kind.
Genesis also says that God created our earth and universe in 6 days. Think about this, God doesn't live on earth. He doesn't go by earth days. His days are periods of time. He created our universe in 6 periods of time.
Second Peter 3:8 says that one day is with God as a thousand years and a thousand years as one day. Plug in billion instead of one thousand years and you get 6 billion years instead of 6 days.
You see, the bible was written in Hebrew (old testament) and Greek (new testament). If you knew these languages, you could understand a little more about the creation. Since I have no idea how to read these languages, I look them up in an Exhaustive Concordance.
A concordance has all the words of the bible in English translated from Hebrew and Greek and it gives the meanings of each word.
A lot of studying is involved, but it is well worth it. If you don't have 15 years like it took me, then you can read my book.
Much more to come

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